Pediatric micro mini capillary edta k3 blood collection tube

Capillary tube

.Specially designed for infants,dying and other patients with blood collection problems.

.The groove design ensures that the venous blood flows into the tube smoothly and quickly,and easy to mix the additive inside which prevent blood cloting
.The toothed bumps are two side.It makes the cap and tube combine tightly.It effectively prevent blood samples leaking.


Customized support: OEM, ODM Brand Name: OEM,ODM available
Model Number: PDVC Place of Origin: Jiangsu, China
Product name: Micro Capillary Mini Blood Collection Tube Material: Medical Grade PP
Application: pediatric blood collect Lid color: Green
Type: EDTA K3 Sample: Availabe
Size: 2.5ml OEM: Availabe

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